On March 7 during the World ATM Congress in Madrid, GAL ANS awarded a contract to ATS Data Design to deliver and implement the EuroPlanner rostering system for its air traffic controllers in the UAE. EuroPlanner will support the complex planning of rosters. The agreement has been entered following intense work to identify the requirements and design of a solution that meets GAL ANS’ many layers of rostering and regulatory rules thus helping to make rostering more efficient.
EuroPlanner will be implemented in two phases. It will go live 6 months from kick-off of the project and once the installation of the EuroPlanner is completed, GAL ANS has an option to expand the rostering implementation to additional airports in the second phase. The installation will cover all planning phases starting from leave scheduling until daily manning of sector positions.
“We are excited to be deploying Europlanner across our airports”, says Khalid Al Breiki, GAL ANS CEO. “The implementation of Europlanner is in line with GAL ANS strategy to improve the efficiency of the services we provide to our customers. Europlanner will deliver benefits at the core of the services that GAL ANS provides with benefits to the end user and improved utilisation of key resources.”
“We are pleased to be working with GAL ANS. With EuroPlanner, GAL ANS will get a flexible, easy and manageable system for planning and adjusting their resources according to current needs and requirements”, says Finn Quist Andersen, co-founder of EuroPlanner System and director of ATS Data Design. “This will help to increase efficiency thus generate savings”.
Mohamed Husain, ATS Program Manager, GAL ANS and Finn Quist Andersen, co-founder and director of ATS Data Design.
EuroPlanner is deployed throughout the Middle East and Europe providing daily rostering service for more than 1,700 ATCO’s and Assistants. A basic EuroPlanner rostering system consists of many standard modules, which are adapted to the ATC environment by configuration of parameters and codifying regulatory working rules.
EuroPlanner optimises resources and makes planning more cost-efficient through automated roster and leave planning tools.